Alzheimer’s Arkansas is pleased to provide you with information about the 2016-2017 Family Caregiver Support Program grant. Funding for this program is provided by the Older Americans Act, National Family Caregiver Support Program Title IIIE Funds. These funds were awarded to CareLink (the Central Arkansas Area Agency on Aging) for distribution throughout the six counties in their service area (Pulaski, Saline, Monroe, Prairie, Lonoke or Faulkner). CareLink selected Alzheimer’s Arkansas Programs and Services to administer the program. This grant is for Respite Care Only and is for $500.00 per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) for the purpose of providing the caregiver a break from the care of a patient who has been diagnosed with ANY chronic illness, not just Alzheimer’s disease.
This grant is not just for caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s Disease. A caregiver of a loved one with any chronic illness, who meets the qualifications, may apply for this grant.
In order to quality for this grant the following guidelines must apply:
- Patient must be 60 years of age or older.
- Patient must live in Pulaski, Saline, Prairie, Lonoke, Faulkner, or Monroe County.
- The patient must not receive the same type of services funded by other sources including private insurance, Medicaid, Hospice, ElderChoices, Supplemental Security Income, or Medicare.
- Respite services must be received after approval of the application.
- The patient must have a documented need for caregiver services (not limited to a dementia diagnosis).
- The amount of financial assistance that is given to one family is $500.00 per fiscal year.
- A physician’s diagnosis and signature is required.
This grant can ONLY be used for Respite Care, which is defined as a short-term break for the caregiver. Respite care may be provided in the home, adult day care center or an overnight stay on an intermittent, occasional or emergency basis in a nursing home or assisted living.
Respite Care, offers a break for the caregiver and a change of environment for the person with dementia. Respite care can be provided through adult day care, in-home care, or a residential care facility (assisted living or nursing home).
- Adult Day Care offers a day program usually Monday through Friday and occasionally on Saturdays. There are two types of adult day care providers. The first is a health model where a registered nurse and/or certified nurse assistants deliver the services. The social model offers services similar to a senior center but with a more structured program of activities. Both models usually offer noon meals and snacks.
- Home Care services are provided directly in the home and may include home delivered meals, housekeeping services, sitter services, and personal care.
- Residential Care Facilities: Some RCFs, depending upon space available,may be able to admit an individual for temporary care.
For more information and to apply for this program, please contact our office (501) 224-0021 or (800) 689-6090. You can also download the application and the service log in PDF format at these links: