CareLink Caregiver Support Grant Form Click Here to Learn About THis Grant "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 2 50% Caregiver Information(unpaid family/friend caregiver)Caregiver Full Name* First Last Caregiver Address*Caregiver City*Caregiver State*Caregiver Zip*Caregiver Phone*Caregiver Email* Caregiver DOB*Caregiver SSN*Caregiver Gender Identity Male Female Gender Identity:Caregiver Ethnicity* Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Caregiver Marital Status* Widowed Married Divorced Single Caregiver Race* White Black/African American American Indian Asian Hispanic Other Do you live in a rural area?* Yes No Do you live alone?* Yes No Caregiver Relationship to patient*Hours of care you provide daily*How did you hear about this grant*Gross monthly household income* Care Recipient (Patient) InformationCare Recipient Full Name* First Last Care Recipient Physical Address*Care Recipient City*Care Recipient State*Care Recipient Zip*Care Recipient Phone*Care Recipient Email*Care Recipient DOB*Care Recipient SSN*Care Recipient Age*Care Recipient Gender Identity Male Female Gender Identity:Care Recipient Ethnicity* Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Care Recipient Marital Status* Widowed Married Divorced Single Care Recipient Race* White Black/African American American Indian Asian Hispanic Other Does the patient live in a rural area?* Yes No Does the patient live alone?* Yes No Diagnosis*Primary Speaking Language*County Care Recipient Resides In*For what kind of assistance are you applying?* In-Home Care Adult Daycare Short-Term Facility Stay Your privacy is important to us, please visit to view our full privacy statement. Are there any individuals, other than you, with whom we may share grant information?Signature of Patient/Patient's Designated Respresentative*Date*Acceptance Signature of Caregiver*Date* 70927