Educational Workshops:
Presentations and In-Service Training
Educational workshops, forums, and presentations for family caregivers, the general public, and non-profit organizations are free! These include, but are not limited to, general presentations on dementia and caregiving, Brunch-n-Learns, Alz ARK Caregiver Workshops, Dementia Friends, Dementia Friend Business, the Dementia Experience, and more.
We speak with civic, community, and faith-based groups around the state. If you would like someone to come and speak with your group about dementia, the differences between normal aging and dementia, caregiving, prevention, or other topics, please contact our office.
In-service training for direct service staff in for-profit, in-home care agencies, day care centers, nursing homes, assisted living residences, and business may be available. We appreciate the consideration of a donation to offset costs.
For more information, contact us at (501) 224-0021 ext 104 or email