A note from a caregiver after receiving the Phyllis Watkins Family Assistance Program Grant in 2016:
” I really thought this grant was a waste of my time! Mom was so unwilling to have anyone else in the house, to the point where I could not even have dinner with family or friends at the house because she would become so upset we would have to go to the ER. I just felt like I was at the absolute end of my rope and then Mom’s caseworker suggested a grant that might help me take a break. At first, I rolled my eyes and took the application home to be recycled. But after I got home, I thought what could it hurt. I am exhausted, and I knew my daughter was planning my grand baby’s first birthday. I wanted so badly to go and attend the birthday party and just get a chance to visit with family. After I mailed the application, I had so much guilt about leaving mom even for the day. But then I got a letter back stating my grant money had been approved for respite, I just started crying. I hired a close family friend who Mom knew from church and felt comfortable with, I left so many notes and instructions I am sure the caregiver thought I was crazy. Then I drove to my daughter’s house, with so many nerves, I almost turned around twice!! But I made it to my daughter’s house well before the party started and the reaction I got from my flustered, overwhelmed daughter was one I will never forget. It was just like when she was a little girl on Christmas morning, except now I was her Christmas present. While we were putting up party decorations and pulling out food for the party, we talked and laughed like we hadn’t lost a moment of time. Those few hours were the best with my sweet girl and it gave me a new appreciation for my own mom. My daughter and I talked about getting some additional help in for me and we agreed to meet every week to talk and make sure we don’t lose our connection. I would just like to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for providing this grant for caregivers. I am so grateful for organizations like Alzheimer’s Arkansas and the Phyllis Watkins Family Assistance Program grant. Many blessings, Linda”
All of your gifts given to Alzheimer’s Arkansas stay in Arkansas to assist caregivers and their friends and families with our free programs and services. Our free programs include nine Hope for the Future Caregiver Workshops throughout the state, 57 caregiver support groups, and family counseling. On #givingtuesday your gifts will go directly towards helping more caregivers in Arkansas with the Phyllis Watkins Family Assistance Program Grant. Alzheimer’s Arkansas also provides a 24/7 caregiver support line: 800-689-6090.
#GivingTuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, November 28, 2017, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. It’s a simple idea: just find a way for your family, your community, your company, or your organization to come together to give something more. Then tell everyone you can about how you are giving. Join Us and be a part of a global celebration of a new tradition of generosity.
Give to Arkansas Caregivers on November 28th!!

If you are interested in the Phyllis Watkins Family Assistance Program grant, click here.